The Rat Cap Podcast: Episode 13
3 years ago
i am very opinionated and intend for this to be my place to rant.
Health insurance is so important that every single american should get it regardless of their ability to pay for it. It should be an affirmative, government provided right. The 60 million Americans who don't have health insurance need and want it, they simply can't afford it. This is the biggest problem with regards to health care in America. Health insurance companies face no competition and can gouge consumers, pricing people out of the market. The federal government should mandate both the minimum protections private insurers can offer, the minimum coverage that a citizen must buy, and will provide subsidies for people up to four times the federal poverty level to purchase this insurance. This manipulation of the health insurance market will not have many unforseen consequences, and people will be able to keep their current coverage if they like it. The subsidies can be paid for by taxing just the rich.
Both sides are open to criticism. Democrats say the republicans plan does little to help the uninsured get insurance. That is mostly true, although there plans would drive down healthcare costs in the private market, making insurance more affordable for everyone. This would allow some people currently priced out of the market to purchase insurance. Republicans counter with the argument that the Democratic plan would be vastly expensive, would drive up the costs of insurance in the private market (through the coverage mandates) and amounts to little more than a vast wealth redistribution system. In addition, by adding millions to the insurance market on the public dime, Obamacare will eventually lead to healthcare rationing when the program becomes underfunded (like all other public entitlements). The true costs of providing healthcare to these individuals will be shifted to private payers whose premium costs are not mandated by the federal government, which could either lead to increases in private insurance premiums/decreases in quality of care or to the destruction of the private market all together when people begin dropping costly private insurance that is subsidizing the entitlement.Healthcare costs are rising too fast. Perversions in the market destroy the price incentives that normally provide information regarding the relative supply and demand for a given product or service by allowing the customer (you and I) to receive full services without having to realize the full costs of those services (through use of co-pays, premiums and low deductibles). By disturbing these incentives, the price system is not allowed to function correctly, allowing for an efficient allocation of resources. This situation inevitably will lead to excess demand, driving up costs. Excess demand is also created when doctors practice defensive medicine in fear of malpractice lawsuits down the road. Capping non-economic pain and suffering damages can reduce this defensive medicine. The solution is to add market discipline to the health insurance market, by opening competition (like allowing people to buy insurance across state lines) and re-instituting price discipline (like by promoting health savings accounts and eliminating the differential tax status between employer and individual purchased health insurance). High risk pools can be created to help insure those with preexisting conditions.