Sunday, March 29, 2009

Some Brits Get It

I just wanted to post links to two videos of British MEP Daniel Hannan. In the first video Hannan rips into British Prime Minister Gordon Brown for the expansion of entitlements in the U.K. financed by deficit spending over the past decade. Its is good to see at least one British MEP still believes in less government intervention and free markets.

The second is an interview of Hannan by Glenn Beck. I think Hannan does an excellent job explaining why government deficit spending to stimulate the economy in financially unsound, and will not produce the desired results. If we continue down the road the Obama has now started, we are going to see all the failures that are currently occurring in more socialist Britain happen here. Its sad that free market solutions to current economic woes were not even considered as part of the debate by U.S. politicians.

And one last thing. Since I am posting a bunch of videos of british people, here is my favorite british youtube video. I'm sure you've seen it, but it's pretty hilarious.

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