Thursday, May 7, 2009

$3.5 trillion and manny being manny

To most people $3.5 trillion is an un-immanginable amount of money.  Hell, to 99% of Americans, $3.5 million is more money than they will ever see.  That is what makes Obama's proposed FY2010 budget so ridiculous.  At at total bill of about $3.5 trillion, it will most likely be well over 25% of the U.S.'s GDP.  In other words, for every dollar created through private enterprise and entreprenuership the federal government will be shelling out a quarter (maybe even a quarter and an extra nickle and few pennies depending on how quickly the economy recovers).  This may not seem like a huge event, as over the past few decade Americans have become all too used to government spending trillions of dollars they don't have.  But unlike past extravagances for the first time in our history a full 50% of the federal budget or roughly $1.75 trillion will be financed through defecit spending and borrowing.  Even Mr. Obama admits that under the current plan the federal debt will be doubled within 10 years.  

What I just can't seem to understand is the lack of outrage over such a proposal.  Now I can understand why old farts like the members of the AARP are so enamoured by Obama; they will be long dead before we ever have to pay off any of our debt.  However, young people, most of whom are Obama's biggest supporters, don't seem to care at all that the debt that the government is currently building up will eventually have to be paid for.  Whether it is in the form of higher taxes or inflated money, the next generations will be poorer because of excesses of toady.  And I'm not even complaining about what the money is being spent on, just the fact that the federal government is so irresponsible that it will jeopordize the futures of millions of Americans so that it can pay for its political expenses and pet projects of the present. 

On an unrelated note Manny Ramirez was suppsended 50 games for violating the MLB's performance enhancing drug policy.  HAHA.  Let's see the Dodgers win all their home games without a cheating Manny.  I can't say I saw this coming, but it is a present suprise.  I bet if they did a hair follicle tesy on Manny it would come back positive for every drug known to man, considering his hairs have to date back to win he was 10 years old.  I'm all for a Manny suspension.  Anything that makes it easier for the WORLD CHAMPION PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES easier to repeat as world champions is fine with me.

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