Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i hate new york

I don't just hate New York in passing. I hate everything about the place. I hate the people from New York, the ideas that those people stand for, and anything associated with that stupid city. I'm not sure I can put into words the amount of unbridled hatred I have for the most overrated place in America. Its overcrowded, smells horrible, is run poorly and the people are straight up jackasses. The people are snobby, think too way much of themselves, and are pricks. Bros don't live in New York.

For instance, last time I was in that stupid city, I was driving through Manhattan on the way to visit my girlfriend, and I was in terrible traffic. Traffic is terrible in New York, just another major drawback. Not to mention the drivers act like scumbags, cutting off anyone and everyone just to sit in traffic 10 feet ahead of where they started. Regardless, I was on 37th Street heading towards the Lincoln tunnel to get out of that crappy town just so I could reach an only slightly more bearable locale: North Jersey (*note* I have nothing against New Jersey. In fact I love the Jersey Shore unequivocally; however, North Jersey is nothing more than New York's slightly more tolerable little brother.) As I crossed Broadway the traffic at the next light was backed up all the way to the intersection I was crossing through. I was able get through the intersection but the traffic backup made it impossible for me to pull up enough to get out of the crosswalk. Now let me be clear, I was not blocking traffic and only my rear bumper was blocking the crosswalk. And it wasn't even blocking the full crosswalk, only about half of it. I was no way blocking traffic and was only slightly inconveniencing the pedestrians who were forced to walk about two feet to to the right or left. But guess what. I just so happen to pull into an intersection with two meter bitches writing tickets. They were there only because the situation I have just described is a very common occurrence, and they found a way to meet their ticket quotas. The dyke that wrote me the ticket didn't care that I wasn't blocking traffic or that I was able to move out of the intersection about ten seconds later. No, she was just a bitch who probably hates her life as a meter maid. That is a common attitude of New York inhabitants.

And that isn't even the number one reason I hate New York. That hatred is usually due to two factors: the Giants and the Mets. Well its October, so my hate for the Mets has obviously gone into hibernation because they never play at this time of year. However, I am in prime Giants hate mode and the Eagles are going to break Eli Manning's leg this weekend at the Linc. And the good news is that I will be there to watch it. But there is another force of evil that rarely gets me angry, but I bet will now be another permanent source of disdain for New York: the Yankees. I'm fucking tired of hearing about A Rod and this so called "team of destiny." These same fans who now claim that the NY Yankees are God's gift to baseball were nowhere to be found over the past nine years when they weren't winning the world series.

So you know what? FUCK THE YANKEES!!! They don't know what is in store for them. The Phillies are the real team of destiny and a soon-to-be DYNASTY. So I'm with you Jimmy, THE PHILLIES IN FIVE! FUCK THE YANKS AND FUCK NEW YORK! GO WORLD CHAMPION PHILLIES!!!!!

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