Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i hate new york

I don't just hate New York in passing. I hate everything about the place. I hate the people from New York, the ideas that those people stand for, and anything associated with that stupid city. I'm not sure I can put into words the amount of unbridled hatred I have for the most overrated place in America. Its overcrowded, smells horrible, is run poorly and the people are straight up jackasses. The people are snobby, think too way much of themselves, and are pricks. Bros don't live in New York.

For instance, last time I was in that stupid city, I was driving through Manhattan on the way to visit my girlfriend, and I was in terrible traffic. Traffic is terrible in New York, just another major drawback. Not to mention the drivers act like scumbags, cutting off anyone and everyone just to sit in traffic 10 feet ahead of where they started. Regardless, I was on 37th Street heading towards the Lincoln tunnel to get out of that crappy town just so I could reach an only slightly more bearable locale: North Jersey (*note* I have nothing against New Jersey. In fact I love the Jersey Shore unequivocally; however, North Jersey is nothing more than New York's slightly more tolerable little brother.) As I crossed Broadway the traffic at the next light was backed up all the way to the intersection I was crossing through. I was able get through the intersection but the traffic backup made it impossible for me to pull up enough to get out of the crosswalk. Now let me be clear, I was not blocking traffic and only my rear bumper was blocking the crosswalk. And it wasn't even blocking the full crosswalk, only about half of it. I was no way blocking traffic and was only slightly inconveniencing the pedestrians who were forced to walk about two feet to to the right or left. But guess what. I just so happen to pull into an intersection with two meter bitches writing tickets. They were there only because the situation I have just described is a very common occurrence, and they found a way to meet their ticket quotas. The dyke that wrote me the ticket didn't care that I wasn't blocking traffic or that I was able to move out of the intersection about ten seconds later. No, she was just a bitch who probably hates her life as a meter maid. That is a common attitude of New York inhabitants.

And that isn't even the number one reason I hate New York. That hatred is usually due to two factors: the Giants and the Mets. Well its October, so my hate for the Mets has obviously gone into hibernation because they never play at this time of year. However, I am in prime Giants hate mode and the Eagles are going to break Eli Manning's leg this weekend at the Linc. And the good news is that I will be there to watch it. But there is another force of evil that rarely gets me angry, but I bet will now be another permanent source of disdain for New York: the Yankees. I'm fucking tired of hearing about A Rod and this so called "team of destiny." These same fans who now claim that the NY Yankees are God's gift to baseball were nowhere to be found over the past nine years when they weren't winning the world series.

So you know what? FUCK THE YANKEES!!! They don't know what is in store for them. The Phillies are the real team of destiny and a soon-to-be DYNASTY. So I'm with you Jimmy, THE PHILLIES IN FIVE! FUCK THE YANKS AND FUCK NEW YORK! GO WORLD CHAMPION PHILLIES!!!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

steve phillips is not a bro

So Steve Phillips was fired by ESPN for having an affair with 22 year old production assistant Brooke Hundley. My first response to hearing such news was immediate indignation. Phillips was very knowledgable and a great addition to Baseball Tonight. Once again another major corporation (this time ESPN/Disney) is hating a bro for doing what bros do: have an innocent affair with a slam piece half your age. Disney must have bought into the bro hater B.S. They believe all those gay organizations like N.O.W. (National Organization of Winers) and N.A.G. (National Association of Gals) that say that bros shouldn't be allowed to do whatever they want. They think that when a bro in a position of power nails a slam piece who works for him that it is an "abuse of power" and "degrading to women." Basically they just want unconstitutional discrimination against bros and the bro way of life. They are just pissed that they aren't as awesome as bros.

However, after doing more research into the Phillips' situation it turns out that Brook Hundley is no slam piece. She was just fugly (see evidence below). In fact she is the opposite of a slam piece. Phillips should have been fired. Bros don't mess with fugly chicks unless copious amounts of riot juice is involved. I doubt Phillips was drinking riot juice at work, but if he was I will once again be back on his side. But until I see that evidence, Phillips should have been fired. He is not a bro. And he was GM of the Mets. Bros hate the Mets. Fuck the Mets.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Props to my friend Cravitz for calling this as soon as he saw Jimmy's hit in game 4.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Damn. That's about all I can say about the Phillies right now. They are playing so well and with so much heart I can't remember a time in my life I have been so excited to see a team play. After their heroic 5-4 victory over the Dodgers in game 3 on Monday, this team looks poised for a match up with the infamous Yankees in the World Series. I'm still in a state of shock about Monday's game. With Jimmy Rollins up, two out, down by a run, tying run on second, winning run on first, Rollins hit the most important hit in his career, and arguably in Phillies history. When I saw that double smoked to right center I went from feeling crushed that the Phils were gonna blow a close game and allow the series to be tied, to super excited when I saw the ball was going to drop for a hit, then out of mind histarical when I realized that the ball was going to get to the wall and that Ruiz would score from first.

And do you know what's even better? It's not the first time they've done that in these playoffs. Against Colorado in game 4, Ryan Howard and Jason Werth each had huge hits in the ninth inning with two outs, netting 3 runs, and a 5-4 victory to close out Colorado. Howard also had a go-ahead RBI in the 9th inning of Game 3. This team is never out of a game. I am unbelievably excited for tonight's Game 5, and the Phils are sending Cole Hamels to the mound. I think this is gonna be a breakout game for Cole in the playoffs. He hasn't pitched great, but he looked much better in Game 1 against the Dodgers than he did in Game 2 of the Colorado series. I think he's going to continue to improve a pitch tough to the Dodgers tonight. I also think the Phils will be able to score a few more runs off Vicente Padilla. With the rowd behind the Phils, I see Padilla getting rattled and struggling to throw strikes at some point in the game. If the Phils can continue to capitalize on walks and other Dodgers mistakes, I think they can put up enough runs for Cole to get us a lead late in the game. But I guess we will see. I cannot wait.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


---Posted at 4:26 PM CT---

And that will do it. Cliff Lee had a complete game and the Phils won 5-1! They now lead the series 1-0. Overall it was a great performance. If they can that kind of starting pitching the bullpen won't be much of a problem. Now let's get it done again tomorrow! GO PHILS! WORLD PHUCKING CHAMPIONS!

---Posted at 4:23 PM CT---

Well with two outs in the 9th, Lee finally gave up a run. I hate Troy Tulowitzki. Hopefully, he can just get one more out, and the Phils can take a series lead.

---Posted at 3:47 PM CT---

So Cliff Lee just finished the 7th, and still hasn't allowed a run. Back in the dug out he walked towards Cole Hamels, who was sitting on the bench. Hamels looked up Lee with this dead stare that only a World Series MVP has, and then gave a little head nod and stuck out his hand for a fist pound. I can't describe the encounter well enough to do it justice. It was just plain bad ass. Man the Phillies are bad ass.

---Posted at 3:41 PM CT---

Terrible call at first! Jimmy definitely beat out that play at first base, but he was called out. That would have scored another run. I know we have had a couple of calls go our way earlier, but none of them were run scoring plays. Hopefully that what come back and play a role in the final outcome of the game. Still 5-0 Phils, top 7. Lee still cruising. He has now retired "more than I can count number" straight.

---Posted at 3:27 PM CT---

5-0! Ibanez gets another RBI, knocking in Werth. Man the offense is clicking. This team looks dangerous.

---Posted at 3:23 PM CT---

Now the offense is clicking! After a lead off hit by Utley, Howard nearly hit one out to left, but ended up doubling off the wall. Werth followed that up by nearly hitting an inside the park home run, but decided to hold up at third with nobody out. Things are looking good! 4-0 Phils, and they just knocked Jimenez out of the game. This is just the type of ball they need to play to win a second consecutive WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!

---Posted at 3:13 PM CT---

Cliff Lee has a super important shut down inning after the long inning by the Phils. The importance of a pitcher coming in and getting a 1-2-3 inning after you get the lead can't be understated.

---Posted at 3:01 PM CT---

What a great at bat by Carlos Ruiz! 2-0 Phils! He battled throw eight pitches before hitting the ball hard, getting by the right fielder and cruising into second with a double! Let's get a big inning now!

---Posted at 2:55 PM CT---

AND RAUUUUUUUUL GETS THE PHILS ON THE BOARD FIRST. He pulled double down the line and Werth ran very well to score from first. Feliz then grounded out so Ibanez is on third with one out. We need another run!

---Posted at 2:45 PM CT---

Cliff Lee is rolling. After giving up a couple of hits in the early innings he has really settled in and is simply mowing down the Rockies hitters. Need to get some offense going though if we are gonna pull out a W in game one. Game is flying by as well.

---Posted at 2:23 PM CT---

Cliff Lee gets a hit then steals second? Damn. Too bad Jimmy couldn't knock him home. The Phils look a little lost vs. Jimenez right now. I'm not worried though. Somebody is gonna guess right on one of those fastballs sooner or later and hit it a mile.

---Posted at 2:00 PM CT---

GREAT THROW BY WERTH TO GET TORREALBA AT THIRD BASE! Who cares if he was actually safe. They called him out! Get's them out of the second inning.

---Posted at 1:45 PM CT---

A little bit of a shaky start for the Phils. Howard really needed to make that double play. The two hits were a blooper and an infield single with Utley playing back so I'm not worried about Lee. He was able to get out of the jam. Hopefully there were just a couple nerves and the Fightens will get through it. Need to get some runs early. Look for the big backs to be swinging away with the wind blowing out hard to right field.

---Posted at 11:23 AM CT---

Well if you so happen to be reading this right now, you are in luck! Today during the Phillies first NLDS game with the Rockies I will be blogging live! That's right, you will get to see the emotional roller coaster that is me during a Phillies playoff game. It should be very interesting. My bet is that I right them off as bums at least twice before the game is over. Cliff Lee will face Ubaldo Jimenez today, with the first pitch at 2:37 PM ET. I'm pumped the Phils will get to face a righty, so get ready for some baseball!

Monday, October 5, 2009

lions recap and a look back at cash for clunkers

Penn State easily played their best half of football yet this season when they thoroughly dominated Illinois in the second half on Saturday, en route to a 35-17 win in Champaign. Despite a disappointing first half (PSU led 7-3 at the break), the running game allowed Penn State to control the clock and the ball in the second half, and the offensive line finally learned how to run block. Both Evan Royster and Stephfon Green (pictured below) eclipsed the 100-yard mark, helping PSU out gain Illinois 208-8 in the third quarter. This is exactly the recipe that PSU needs to repeat if they hope to remain competitive in the Big Ten title race. By running the ball and controlling the clock, PSU can keep there defense off the field and fresh, allowing them to do what they do best: simply dominate Big Ten opposing offenses. This also takes some pressure off QB Dayrll Clark, who by the way responded very well after having the worse game of his career against Iowa. If Penn State can run the ball effectively, they will be a force to be reckoned with in the Big Ten and against whoever they end up facing in a bowl game.

On a completely unrelated note, I want to say a few words about the federal government's recent cash for clunkers program. Over the Summer, the program was hailed as the most successful of all the stimulus programs. Over the lifetime of the program (including when it was extended in late august) approximately 700,000 car buyers took advantage of the program where they traded in an old "clunker" for credit towards a new, more fuel efficient vehicle. Sounds great right? Old gas guzzlers off the roads, and it's a boost to American automakers at a time they really need it. Well guess what? Looking back it seems like the plan was all that environmentally beneficial, and in the long run it probably did more to hurt the U.S. economy than it did to help it.

U.S. auto sales plummeted in September, down 25% from 2008 (GM was down 45% and Chrysler 42%). And this is compared to September 2008, right when the banking meltdown was becoming apparent. Critics predicted that the cash for clunkers program would do little than cannibalize future auto sales that would have occurred anyway, and that seems to be the case. September sales are down because many people who would have bought in September simply bought while the program was in effect. Although the automakers may have gained a marginal amount of sales that would not have occurred, there is no way the boost was enough to justify the $3 billion cost of the program. Not to mention that dealers were forced to destroy all the cars traded in during the program. Instead of recycling perfectly capable vehicles, most likely at lower costs that middle and lower class Americans could afford, the feds mandated that we destroy these economic resources.

Additionally, the environmental benefits have been overstated. One study by Hudson Institute economist Irwin Stelzer found that at best the program would reduce oil consumption by 0.2% per year, which amounts to less than one days use of gasoline. Even despite future savings in fuel costs, the program still is very unstimulating. Two University of Delaware economists recently attempted to sum all the benefits and costs of the program (increased auto sales, reduced gas consumption, environmental improvements vs. cost of the program) and found that the benefits do not outweigh the costs, and the true cost to GDP is -$1.4 billion. So much for helping the tanking economy.

In short, the cash for clunkers program is nothing more than the federal government once again attempting to redistribute wealth. The fat cats in Washington spent over $3 billion of our money (adding to the national debt) in order to subsidize new car buyers, and attempt to subsidize car manufacturers. The sad part is that it seems as if they didn't even succeed in reaching their second goal. The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal said it best in their editorial Clunkers in Practice (*please also note that this article was the basis for my post and I used many of their statistics*):
The basic fallacy of cash for clunkers is that you can somehow create wealth by destroying existing assets that are still productive, in this case cars that still work. Under the program, auto dealers were required to destroy the car engines of trade-ins with a sodium silicate solution, then smash them and send them to the junk yard. As the journalist Henry Hazlitt wrote in his classic, "Economics in One Lesson," you can't raise living standards by breaking windows so some people can get jobs repairing them.
Too bad in Washington, having a simple and catchy slogan, regardless of whether the program itself has huge hidden costs, is the goal. Politicians make a living off misleading an uneducated and uniformed electorate, and nothing will change until we vote them ALL out of office.