Friday, February 6, 2009

More Stimulus BS

The weekend version of the Journal had an editorial entitled The Stimulus Tragedy that further highlighted everything that is wrong with the direction the Obama administration is heading. I'm not sure what is sadder, that Barack Obama actually can call this pork barrel spending an economic stimulus or that Americans are actually retarded enough to buy it. One example of how the money is being wasted is chronicled here with regards to the $142 billion in "education" spending. Just to put that number in perspective, it is almost double the total expenditures of the entire Department of Education for all of 2007. And to think that Republicans originally came to power in Congress in 1994 campaigning to eliminate the Department of Education altogether, but I guess the easiest way to fix something is to throw more money at it. I'm sure it will be used better this time around. Once again Washington is doing what it does best, making itself bigger while not really doing much else.

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